a relaxed book group

A relaxed book group who congregates monthly,

discusses books enthusiastically, supports each other faithfully,

and loves books passionately.

Tasks for McLain Book Extravaganza

Tasks for McLain Book Extravaganza
  •       Get the Birches cabin for one night
o   Cindy D for 2012
o   Do this online and pay with credit card when the date is reserved Janeen will reimburse
o   One night Saturday Check in at 3:00 check out 1:00
o   Someone gets that key to the cabin
  • ·         Divide up the cost of attendance on the night of the event  Janeen 2012
  • ·         Things to bring for sharing
o   Firewood and matches  Janeen
o   Kitchen towels and washcloths  Janeen
o   Water containers for dishes  Janeen & Cindy
o   Fetch the water
  • ·         Each person brings
o   Plates, and table setting
o   Food to share for dinner
o   Own breakfast
o   Bedding, towels and toiletries
o   Books
  • ·         Eat at 5:00  if you are unable to be there by five feel free to eat when you arrive
  • ·         Discuss the books after the meal
  • ·         Books are assigned a month by  Mary Ann and given to Janeen later
  • ·         Schedule is typed and distributed by Cindy D  both by email and hard copy
  • Clean up directions are posted in the cabin.  Clean up is done in the morning by all overnighters.